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19.99 US dollars
Location 1

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Service Description

We have no strict format. If you’re a startup seeking capital, send us whatever you would like for investors to see. If you need guidance, we propose that you cover clearly and concisely: 1. The problem you've discovered and how you've proven a market cares enough to want a solution (Well defined problems include information on who, why, when, where, and how much cost is affiliated) 2. Your proposed solution to the problem and how you've proven it could satisfy the target market (Are the stakeholders related to the problem aware of the problem, do they care, and are they actively seeking a solution?) 3. What traction you've had already and what that shows about future growth (Think product-market fit, not necessarily revenue. How compelling is the evidence that the solution solves the problem. What is the TAM, how will the market be accessed, and with what expected effectiveness?) 4. Who is on your team and why they are the right people now and in the future (Are these people the right ones to empathize with the problem, leverage market access options, and engage with clients?) 5. What unfair advantages / defensibility your startup can boast over competitors, quantified (How hard would it be for someone else to enter the market and compete or for existing powers in the market to adopt this approach?) 6. What you need from us (Your valuation and its derivation, your deal terms, and your use of capital)

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